C O W G I R L  K I N G  O F  T H E  R O D E O 
Now i know what your thinking it's so hot in Dubai your glasses steam up when walking out of your front door and the last thing you want wrapped around you is a cape, however a few weeks ago I was strolling around my local shops in England looking at what good old London fashion has to offer and before i know it the sky's open and I am drenched from head to toe.. luckily enough right there on my left in big giant letter's was the word PRIMARK. The best place for a bargain and don't we all love a bargain. This black and white patterned, slightly mexican meets cowgirl-ish cape was staring at me right in the face and i just had to have it. I can barely wear my hair down without feeling faint at the moment so for now i'll just wear it in air conditioned places.




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